NUUO NVRmini_100903
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System Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
HW Installation ........................................................................................................... 1
Software Installation
– SCB-C31 ............................................................................... 2
– SCB-C24/26/28...................................................................... 3
System Introduction
NUUO provides remote I/O solution for NVRmini by connecting SCB-C31 with NUUO I/O
Box SCB-C24/26/28. Refer to the below architecture, I/O device is connected directly with
I/O Box, and input/output signal delivered in RS485 format are converted to Ethernet
through SCB-C31. NVRmini can use the signals to do more sophisticated setup, such as
starting recording when input triggered, triggering output as an event happened, and much
HW Installation
SCB-C24/26/28 must work with SCB-C31 (Ethernet-RS485 converter). Further,
the C31
Box cannot be used for POS and converter at the same time, and one C31 Box can
be paired with one NAS unit only.
Please follow the steps below to configure the
Step 1: Check the system switch of SCB-C31 is switched to OFF-OFF position.
Step 2: Connect SCB-C31 with power source.
Step 3: Connect SCB-C31 with internet by RJ45 LAN cable.
Step 4: Connect I/O Box with power source.
Step 5: Connect SCB-C31 and I/O Box with cable, positive connection (
TX+/D+ and
) and negative connection (
TX-/D- and DATA-
). Take SCB-C31 with I/O Box
SCB-C24 for example as below.