Scan mode
The rangefinder can be used to measure in constant operation. To use the Scan mode,
simply hold down the On button and move the rangefinder from object to object while
leaving the On button depressed. The Scan mode will allow the range to be continuously
updated as multiple objects are targeted.
The Scan mode is helpful for measuring small or moving targets.
Measuring modes
The measuring modes of the NUM’AXES rangefinder allow you to adjust the performance
parameters of the unit to suit your specific situation and environment.
To move from one mode to the other, press the On button once to turn on the unit. While
looking through the eyepiece, press the Mode button and quickly release. When switching
on the rangefinder, it is in the last measuring mode used.
The different measuring modes available and mode indicators are listed below:
Standard mode
No icon displayed on the left of the range = Standard mode
This measuring mode allows most target to be distanced up to 800 m/875 y. It can be used
for moderately reflective targets that are typical of most distancing situations.
Rain mode
icon on the left of the range = Rain mode
The Rain mode can be used on rainy days to measure distance when the target is beyond
30 m/33 y.
Golf mode/nearer object priority
icon on the left of the range = Golf mode
This mode allows easy acquisition of small targets (such as a golf flag) without inadvertently
getting distances to background targets that have stronger signal strength.