Chapter 4: Additional Local Configuration
TouchPoint Console Installation and Setup Guide
Date, Time, and Locale
Date and time information is important for accurately capturing and recording transaction data. Although this release
of TPC supports English only, you can change the Soft keyboard layout to use region-specific characters such as the
German umlat.
On the Administrative Options screen, press Date, Time, and Locale.
To change the date and time, press the field you want to change the press the up/down arrows until you reach the
correct value.
Ensure that you also select the correct time zone. Press Modify to view a complete list of available time zones.
Select your time zone, then press OK to apply that time zone.
If you are in a region that complies with daylight savings, ensure the Use Daylight Savings Time option is set to Yes.
Press OK to apply all settings.
When you log out of the Administrative Options, TPC contacts the DCE server to update the settings you changed.
This release of TPC supports English only for the Display Language.