09. 02. 22. Document Number 671418
Nuaire | Western Industrial Estate | Caerphilly | CF83 1NA | nuaire.co.uk
Audio Visual Indicator
Installation and Maintenance
Refer to the installation instructions of the fan to check the
compatibility of this indicator.
Designed to be compatible with the Ecosmart system, this indicator
unit is supplied with a plugged 10m length of communication cable.
Longer lengths are available if required.
The unit operates with Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) with power
supplied by the fan unit via the communication cable.
When a fan failure occurs a red LED will show at the AVI2.
A warning sounder will be heard for at least 10 seconds. Then one
second every minute until the fault is cleared.
To disable the sounder, open the unit and move the switch towards the
centre of the PCB.
1.1 Parts List
ES-AVI2 Audio Visual Indicator
1 off 10 metre length of plugged SELV cable
1.2 Operating Conditions
Temperature: 0 – 40°C
Humidity: 10 - 90% RH non-condensing
2.1 Installing the Indicator
The unit must be installed away from any direct source of heat (e.g.
radiators) and areas where it would be subjected to steam or water
The mounting surface must be vibration free.
The unit is supplied complete with 10 metres of connecting cable with
plugs attached.
Fasteners for wall fixing are included in the package.
Fix one end of the supplied 10m sensor connection cable to the
fans customer connection box (connection sockets marked NET).
Select a suitable location for the sensor and arrange the cable
in position. Wire can be located behind a wall panel or fixed to
wall surface. Clearance aperture for wire should be approx 20mm
diameter to allow passage of plug end. Allow approximately 75mm
of the cable free at the mounting point to ease the connection of
the plug (Figure 1).
Hold the base of the unit with one hand and the top half with the
other. Twist the upper half anti-clockwise to open the unit (Figure
Feed the cable through the hole of the lower half of the unit and
mark the locations of the fixing holes on the wall. There is a raised
line inside the base of the unit to aid alignment to the horizontal or
vertical (Figure 3).
Fix the base of the unit to the wall using the fasteners provided, or
other suitable fasteners.
Plug the cable into the socket of the PCB (Figure 4).
Align the slots of the upper and lower halves of the unit and twist
the upper half clockwise to lock the 2 halves together (Figure 5).
10m sensor
Cable Installation
Opening Unit
Wall Mounting
Connecting Cable
Closing Unit
2.2 Data Cable Installation
Do not run the SELV data cable in the same conduit as the mains cables
and ensure there is a 50mm separation between the data cable and the
other cables.
The maximum cable run between the fan and indicator is 300metres
when it is installed in accordance with the above instructions.