Asphalt and concrete cutters
Operation manual
issued 01/2017
For optimal service life of the cutting disc, the
operator should work carefully and sensitively.
Do not force the machine!
Nevertheless, lifetime of the disc may vary
depending on the material to be cut and other
4.2.4. Cutting Depth Scale
Cutters RZ 120, RZ 170 and RZ200 have just
informative cutting depth scale. Turning the
handle for 360 degrees lowers the blade for
about 15 mm.
4.3. Engine Turning-Off
1. Shift the throttle control lever to idle
position. (see point
2. Let the engine to idle for a while to cool
3. Turn the ignition switch to "OFF".
4. Close the fuel tap
4.4. Handling, Transport, Storing
When handling the machine keep safety
regulation shown in this manual and well as
general safety rules valid for operation of lifting
or hoisting equipment.
4.4.1. Manual Handling
For manual lifting, cooperation of mode people
is required. Hold the machine by frame or the
base plate. Never lift the machine by engine.
4.4.2. Handling by Crane
Use a crane of sufficient payload (see Technical
Data). Observe the regulations valid for
operation of cranes. Only qualified personnel
may carry out this work.
Fasten the lifting cable to the marked point at
the machine.
4.4.3. Handling by Forklift
Should be the machine extensively handled by a
forklift (as when sending it by a parcel service),
it is recommended to palletize it. For one
machine use "small" palette (0,8x0,6m), for two
machines standard EUR pallet (1,2x0,8m).
4.4.4. Transport
Secure the machine against rolling over, falling
down or sliding on the carrier. Fasten the
binding means to suitable points at the frame.
The machine must be kept in upright position. If
overturning happens, see point 3.5.
4.4.5. Storing
Store the machine on a safe place, secured from
theft and misuse. We recommend an indoor dry
place, without excessive concentration of
chemical agents and dust.
Prior to long-term storing clean the machine,
repair the paint and apply suitable preservation
agents. Mark visibly that the machine has been
4.5. Special Conditions of Operation
4.5.1. Work at Low Temperatures
The cutter is able to work even at low
temperatures. Let the engine to warm up
sufficiently before commencing the work.
In case that the machine is difficult to start, let it
warm up at room temperature first.