SymphoniePLUS3 User Guide
Rev. 17
[email protected] | Page 57
31 December 2018
indicate that a call is being made (“iPack busy or not present”, or in the case of iPackGPS, a sequence of
status screens such as “checking for file”, “detecting GSM band”, “connecting modem”, etc.). However,
if you have already completed the logger programming in the Pre-installation Setup: Logger
Configuration chapter and the logger batteries are already installed, then attachment of the iPack will
not initiate the automatic call.
Pre-Installation Testing
To test before installing in the field, do the following:
1) If using an iPack or iPackGPS, connect it to the logger as described above.
2) Check logger status (battery voltage, date, time, internal temperature, revision numbers).
3) Connect the wiring panel according to instructions in the Field Installation chapter.
4) Connect the test sensor(s) and verify logger programming of each input channel.
5) Install and format SD card.
6) Check SD status (logging, files stored, days left).
7) Check iPack status (if present), noting the iPack battery voltage.
8) Verify cellular signal strength with the antenna test.
9) Verify iPack communications by performing a Call Now.
10) Verify that the *.rwd files are successfully received by the intended recipient(s).
For detailed instructions on performing these tests, refer to the chapter on SymphoniePLUS3 Start-Up.