SymphoniePLUS3 User Guide
Rev. 17
[email protected] | Page 118
31 December 2018
Site Information Editor - Site Information Parameters
These parameters are found on the left side of the Site Information Editor window.
Site #
The site number is reported as a four-digit number.
Site Desc (Site Description)
A site description of up to 80 characters can be entered here.
Project Code
A six-character parameter used to code sites within a project can be entered here.
Project Desc (Project Description)
An 80-character project description can be entered here.
Site Location
An 80-character site location can be entered here.
Site Elevation (Altitude)
A six-character field reporting the Site Elevation as referenced from sea level can be entered here. Units
are not stored. For site elevations below sea level, include a “-“ sign before the number.
Base Time Zone (the time zone the logger is located in)
A pull down menu that determines how your data’s timestamps (in UTC) are adjusted to match the local
time. Make sure it is set to the logger local time zone. Time settings should always be in Standard Time
(NOT Daylight Savings Time).
Enter latitude data in this field. Note that WAsP export only allows the latitude degrees, minutes, and
seconds (North or South) or decimal formats to be exported.
Enter longitude data in this field. Note that WAsP export only allows the longitude degrees, minutes,
and seconds (East or West) or decimal formats to be exported.
Logger Serial Number (5-digit suffix)
The logger serial number appearing in this field should be the last five digits of the logger serial number.
Hardware Rev. (Logger Hardware Revision)
The hardware revision is reported as a masked three number sequence signifying the current revisions
of the logger core, logger SD controller, and the iPack firmware revision number.