Operation Manual
Hardness Tester NOVOTEST T-UD3
Page. 17
Figure 2.3 – Splash screen
After this, the device switches to the main menu (Figure 2.4), or in the <Measuring> mode (if the
probe is connected).
Figure 2.4 - Main Menu
From the Main Menu the user can enter:
After entering the selected sections, except the <Information>, the display is divided into two
areas: the main area and information area (upper part of the display).
In the main area Workspace section is located, and the information area provides information
about the batteries charge, connecting the device to PC, SD card presence and current time.
Before using the device, make sure that the batteries have enough power. Fully stocked LED
(green) indicates that the battery is charged to 100%. If there is absence or lack of charge (red), charge
the battery by a charger or by connecting the device to PC or Power Bank.
Long press on the button <
> makes the device to shut down.
2.3.3 Charging the battery
To charge the battery, plug the power supply (included into the hardness tester standard set) to the
power connector located on the upper end of the device housing. During charging the device can be