06/15 Rev. 6.00-02
Info-Printouts & Parameters
64-xx – DPM – PEM – ALX 92x – ALX 73x (PMA)
Print contrast
ALX 92x
ALX 73x (PMA)
Setting range: 1 to 110%; Unit interval: 1; Default setting: 60
Ram disk size
ALX 92x
ALX 73x (PMA)
A part of the printer memory can be identified as a RAM disk. The RAM disk
can be used in the same way as the Compact Flash Card, e.g. for storage of
logos or fonts.
With the parameter Ram disk size, the customer can set the size of the RAM
disk to his needs. Be aware, that RAM disk memory is not available for print
picture buildup. Use of much RAM disk memory reduces the picture buildup
rate of the printer.
Switching the printer off extinguishes the memory content! Fonts, logos
etc., which were loaded on the RAM disk, must be loaded again after
switching the printer off.
xxxx KBytes
Setting range: 128 KBytes to the maximum size, which depends on the mem-
ory configuration and allocation of the printer; Unit interval: 128 KBytes; De-
fault setting: 512 KBytes.
See also parameter
PRINT INFO > Memory status
Font downl. area
ALX 92x
ALX 73x (PMA)
If speedo-fonts are supposed to be used, they have first to be copied to a re-
served RAM disk area. Use parameter „Font downl. area“ to reserve the RAM
disk area in the required size.
The size of the required RAM disk area depends on the size of the font files
to be loaded.
Mind to reserve a big enough RAM disk area!
There are two ways to copy the font files to the RAM disk:
Copy from CompactFlashcard:
The font files must be placed in a folder named \fonts on the
CompactFlashcard during system startup. The files must be named
fontxxx.spd (xxx = No. from 200 up to 999).
The parameter
Print contrast
affects directly the life durance of the printhead. It
counts: „The higher the setting of
Print contrast
is, the lower is the life durance
of the printhead“. This counts even more for settings above 100%.
Therefore mind:
Always choose the lowest possible setting necessary to produce an accep-
table print result.