Internetwork Packet Exchange
Internetwork Packet Exchange
August 29, 2001
Novell Confidential
July 17, 2001
Configuring IPX Route Aggregation
IPX Route Aggregation enables you to introduce routes learned through RIP
in a summarized form. Route aggregation compactly describes many IPX
network numbers simultaneously by using an address and mask pair. For
example, all addresses from C9000000 to C9FFFFFF can be represented using
the address C9000000 and the mask FF000000.
To configure IPX Route Aggregation, complete the following steps:
Load NIASCFG and select the following parameter path:
For LAN interfaces, select Configure NIAS > Protocols and Routing >
Bindings > a LAN interface > Expert Bind Options > Aggregate Routes .
For WAN interfaces, select Configure NIAS > Protocols and Routing >
Bindings > a WAN interface > WAN Call Destinations > a call
destination > Aggregate Routes .
Press Ins and configure the following parameters:
Select Address Summary and enter the prefix for the network
addresses to be aggregated.
For example, any network beginning with C9, such as C9123829 or
C9823878, can be aggregated using the address summary C9000000
with a mask of FF000000.
Select Mask and enter a number with Fs for the part of the mask that
corresponds to the common prefix of all network addresses to be
aggregated and 0s for the rest of the mask.
For example, to summarize all addresses that begin with the same
three numbers, set the mask to FFF00000.
Optionally, to advertise an aggregate route only when at least one of
the routes is received, select Type and set it to Dynamic .
For LANs, Type can be set only to Dynamic . If you select Static for
a WAN interface, the aggregate route is always advertised.
Aggregate routes associated with static on-demand WAN calls
should always be set to Static .
If Type is set to Dynamic , only routes learned through RIP will trigger
the dynamic aggregate route to be advertised. Routes learned through NLSP
will not trigger the dynamic aggregate route to be advertised. Routers that
have dynamic aggregate routes configured on some interfaces should have
NSLP disabled and RIP enabled on those interfaces.