Upgrading Business Continuity Clustering for NetWare
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Upgrading Business Continuity
Clustering for NetWare
Business Continuity Clustering (BCC) 1.1 SP2 for NetWare
6.5 SP8 (same as Novell
Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2 SP1 for NetWare) supports upgrades from Novell Cluster
clusters that are running BCC 1.1 SP1 for NetWare 6.5 SP6 (same as OES 1 SP2
NetWare) or from clusters running BCC 1.0 (which is available on NetWare only).
BCC 1.2 for OES 2 SP1 Linux supports conversion from BCC 1.1 SP2 on NetWare. In order to
convert BCC clusters from NetWare to Linux clusters, you must first upgrade existing BCC 1.0 or
BCC 1.1 SP1 for NetWare clusters to BCC 1.1 SP2 for NetWare. For information about converting
to BCC 1.2 for Linux, see “
Converting BCC Clusters from NetWare to Linux
” in the
BCC 1.2:
Administration Guide for Linux
This section covers two upgrade scenarios:
Section 5.1, “Guidelines for Upgrading,” on page 55
Section 5.2, “Disabling BCC 1.0, Upgrading Servers to NetWare 6.5 SP8, then Enabling BCC
1.1 SP2,” on page 56
Section 5.3, “Upgrading Clusters from BCC 1.0 to BCC 1.1 SP2 for NetWare,” on page 58
Section 5.4, “Upgrading Clusters from BCC 1.1 SP1 to SP2 for NetWare,” on page 63
5.1 Guidelines for Upgrading
Use the guidelines in this section to upgrade clusters one peer cluster at a time.
Section 5.1.1, “Requirements,” on page 55
Section 5.1.2, “Performing a Rolling Cluster Upgrade,” on page 56
5.1.1 Requirements
BCC 1.1 SP2 for NetWare requires that every node in each peer cluster be upgraded to NetWare 6.5
SP8 (same as OES 2 SP1 NetWare) with the latest patches for NetWare and Novell Cluster Services.
For information, see the following resources:
Upgrading to OES 2 SP1 NetWare
” in the
OES 2 SP1: NetWare Installation Guide
for information about how to upgrade the NetWare 6.5 SP6 servers to NetWare 6.5 SP8
Cluster Services:
Installation and Setup
” in the
OES 2 SP2: Novell Cluster Services 1.8.5 for
NetWare Administration Guide
for information about what is required for Novell Cluster
Services for NetWare
Business Continuity Clustering:
Section 4.1, “Requirements for BCC 1.1 SP2 for NetWare,”
on page 37
for information about what is required for Business Continuity Clustering 1.1 SP2
for NetWare
Identity Manager:
Identity Manager 3.51 Installation Guide
. For Identity Manager configuration
requirements, see
Section 4.1.7, “Identity Manager 3.5.1 Bundle Edition,” on page 41
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