OEM6 Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 7
If you purchased your OEM6 family product in Europe, please return it to your dealer or supplier at the end of
life. The objectives of the European Community's environment policy are, in particular, to preserve, protect and
improve the quality of the environment, protect human health and utilise natural resources prudently and
rationally. Sustainable development advocates the reduction of wasteful consumption of natural resources and
the prevention of pollution. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is a regulated area. Where the
generation of waste cannot be avoided, it should be reused or recovered for its material or energy. WEEE
products may be recognized by their wheeled bin label (
The OEM6 family and FlexPak6 are compliant with the European Union (EU) Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) Directive 2011/65/EU.
NovAtel strives to comply with the EU Directive EC 1907/2006 on chemicals and their safe use as per the
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances (REACH) for its products,
including the OEM6 family products. Since REACH SVHC lists are updated occasionally, please contact
NovAtel Customer Support if you require further information.
Ethernet Port
Lightning Protection Installation and Grounding Procedure
What is the hazard?
A lightning strike into the ground causes an increase in the earth's potential which results in a high voltage
potential between the center conductor and shield of the coaxial cable. This high voltage develops because the
voltage surge induced onto the center conductor lags in time behind the voltage surge induced onto the shield.
Hazard Impact
A lightning strike causes the ground potential in the area to rise to dangerous levels resulting in harm to
personnel or destruction of electronic equipment in an unprotected environment. It also conducts a portion of
the strike energy down the inner conductor of the coax cable to the connected equipment.
Actions to Mitigate Lightning Hazards
1. Do not install antennas or antenna coaxial cables outside the building during a lightning storm.
2. It is not possible to avoid over voltages caused by lightning, but a lightning protection device may be used
to shunt a large portion of the transient energy to the building ground, reducing the over voltage condition
as quickly as possible.
3. Primary lightning protection must be provided by the operator/customer according to local building codes
as part of the extra building installation.
for more information.
The Ethernet ports are Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) circuits only and are suitable for
connection within a building only. Do not connect them to Telephone Network Voltage
(TNV) circuits.
Only qualified personnel, such as electricians mandated by the governing body in the
country of installation, may install lightning protection devices.