JADAK FM-8/FM-9 User’s Manual
Re-read Delay
This sets the time period before the FM-8/FM-9 can read the same bar code a second time.
Setting a proper re-read delay time protects against accidental re-reads of the same bar code.
Longer delays are effective in minimizing accidental rereads at POS (point of sale). Use shorter
delays in applications where repetitive bar code scanning is required.
Several commonly used reread delay menu command barcodes are included below.
Default time = 600 milliseconds.
Re-read Delay only works when the FM-8/FM-9 is in
Setting examples:
No Re-read delay
Re-read delay 0.1 seconds
* Re-read delay 0.6 seconds
Re-read delay 1.0 seconds
Re-read delay 2.0 seconds
Re-read delay 5.0 seconds
If a different delay time other than those provided is needed, it can either be set by sending the
serial command
(where ‘x’ is a value between 0 and 30000)
, to set the time
between 0 (no delay) and 30000 (=30 sec.) in steps of 1 millisecond, or by scanning the barcode
below and then set the time by scanning the digit codes and the SAVE barcode in
Please contact JADAK if assistance is needed.
User Specified Re-read Delay