JADAK FM-8/FM-9 User’s Manual
RS-232 Word Length
command defines the settings for Parity, Data bits and Stop bits.
If an application requires only ASCII Hex characters 0 through 7F decimal (i.e. text, digits
and punctuation) select 7 data bits. For applications that need the full ASCII set
supported, select 8 data bits per character.
Scan one of the following codes to program the FM-8/FM-9 to the required Parity, Data
bits and Stop bit(s) required for connecting to the host terminal/computer.
Default = No Parity, 8 Data, 1 Stop.
The FM-8/FM-9
be power cycled after programming this interface!
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity None
* 8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Even
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Odd
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Mark