JADAK FM-8/FM-9 User’s Manual
RS-232 Default Settings
Use the command below to program the default RS-232 communication settings.
This programs the FM-8/FM-9 Imager for an RS-232 interface at 115.200 baud, No Parity,
8 Data bits and 1 stop bit.
The FM-8/FM-9
be power cycled after programming this interface!
RS-232 Baud Rate
By setting the correct Baud Rate, the data from the scanner will be sent to the terminal at
the specified rate. Scan one of the following codes to program the FM-8/FM-9 to the
required Baud Rate to connect to the host terminal/computer. Default = 115200 Baud.
The FM-8/FM-9
be power cycled after programming this
* 115200 Baud rate
57600 Baud rate
38400 Baud rate
19200 Baud rate
9600 Baud rate
4800 Baud rate
2400 Baud rate
1200 Baud rate