Shower Bench with Arms & Back
Assembly Instructions
Parts out of the box:
1. Leg posts and
Back Tubes
2. Seat & Back
Set the seat on an elevated
surface face down and place the
leg marked 2 into the diagonal
inset on the bottom of the seat.
(The #2 on the seat should line up
with the #2 label on the tube.
Repeat for tube labeled #1 so that
tube #2 is under tube #1. Insert #1
screw w/ washer into the center
hole and tighten.
Attach the legs by
telescoping the adjust-
ment leg over the leg
stem and pushing the
push pin in. Be sure to
adjust all four legs to the
same adjustment holes.
4. Legs Guides
3. Legs
5. Screws
Place the tube guides onto
the legs so that the screw
goes through the tube and
into the seat bottom.
that the back of it is facing
upward. Place the back
tubes through the rear tube
guides. Depress the brass
push pins and insert the end
of the tubes through the
front tube guides until the
pins engage into the rear
tube guide. (The back can
be adjusted to a deep or
shallow position depending
on user preference.) Be sure
pins are fully engaged by
pulling on the back.
Be sure the guides are
facing in the correct
position so that the
back tubes can be
inserted through them
in step 5. Tighten all
screws securely once
the guides are deter-
mined to be in the
correct position.
Attach the back tubes to
the backrest using four
#1 screws with washers.
Insert four #2 screws
(with smaller head)
into the plastic tube
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