NFS-640 Operations Manual P/N 51334:B 10/03/2003
3. Operation of the Control Panel
This section contains instructions for operating the control panel. Listed below are the topics detailed in
this section:
This manual also contains information on operating the control panel in the appendixes, listed as
Appendix A: Special Zone Operation on page 55
Appendix B: Intelligent Detector Functions on page 65
Appendix D: Point and System Troubles Lists on page 79
Refer to Page
System Trouble Mode of Operation
Security Alarm Mode of Operation
Active Supervisory Signal Mode of Operation
Pre-Alarm Warning Mode of Operation
Disabled Points Mode of Operation
Active Trouble Monitor Mode of Operation
Output Circuit Trouble Mode of Operation
Operation of Special System Timers
WARNING: When used for CO
releasing applications, observe proper precautions as stated in
NFPA 12. Do not enter the protected space unless physical lockout and other safety procedures
are fully completed. Do not use software disable functions in the panel as lockout.
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