ID50 Series Panel - Installation, Commissioning & Configuration Manual
997-263, Issue 4
September 2002
1.7 Related Documents
This manual only describes the installation,
commissioning and configuration of the ID50 Series
Panel. All operating functions are covered by the:
ID50 Series Panel Operating Manual (ref:
XXX is the country code for the manual. For the
UK this code is blank.
The Panel can support repeaters via the RS485
communications link. This manual does not provide
details about the repeaters; these are described in:
IDR-2A, -2P & -6A Repeaters User Manual
(ref: 997-411-XXX).
IDR Mimic Installation and Commissioning Manual
(ref: 997-412-XXX).
XXX is the country code for the manual. For the
UK this code is blank.
The ID50 Panel can also support the VIEW
This manual does not attempt to cover all the VIEW
sensor programming and calibration issues as these are
described in some detail in the following, which is
available from NOTIFIERs Technical Support
Application Guide (ref: 997-198).
1.8 Warnings and Cautions
Where appropriate, the manual includes advisory
warnings and cautions to remind you to consider safety
at all times, especially when following the procedures
described herein.
You are alerted to any areas where high voltage [i.e. non-
Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)] is present, or where
there may be a risk of damage to static-sensitive devices
if the recommended procedures described in this manual
are not followed.
An example of a high voltage warning and an anti-static
caution is provided to the left of this paragraph.
The ID50 Series Panel incorporates some features
which, if used inappropriately, may contravene the
requirements of EN 54. Where there is a possibility of
such an occurrence, a suitable warning is given with brief
details of the EN 54 requirement. A typical EN 54 non-
compliance warning is illustrated at left.
1.9 Tips
Handy tips are included, where appropriate, to assist
you in following quick and safe procedures for fire
detection system installation and integration.
Look for the TIP! icon and supporting text, typically
illustrated at left.
Magnetise the tip of your
screwdriver to help when
offering small screws to
holes in confined spaces.
WARNING: High Voltage!
Take suitable precautions to
avoid electric shock
One hardware-
configurable output
must be configured
as a fault relay