AFP-3030 Operations Manual —
P/N DOC-01-033:C 05/12/2018
General Information
Introduction to the Control Panel
1.2 Introduction to the Control Panel
The AFP-3030 is an intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) with features suitable for most applications.
There are two basic configuration options for the AFP-3030.
With Display
In this configuration, the panel comes fitted with a front display/keypad, which allows programming and viewing options at the panel.
This manual gives operating instructions using the front display/keypad.
Displayless Mode
In Displayless Mode, no keypad/display is fitted at the panel, and it is controlled by remote annunciators. VeriFire™ Tools programming
is required. Refer to VeriFire™ Tools Help File for information on programming without an AFP-3030 display/keypad. A PC is required
when using VeriFire™ Tools.
1.3 Operating Features
Alarm Verification selection, to reduce unwanted alarms
Output Delay Time
Silence Inhibit timer and Auto Silence timer for Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs)
Programmable Signal Silence, System Reset, and Alarm Activate functions through monitor modules
Automatic time-of-day and day-of-week control functions, with holiday option
Intelligent Sensing with nine field-adjustable Pre-Alarm levels with programmable Control-By-Event (CBE)
Operate automatic smoke or heat detector sounder/relay base on action Pre-Alarm level, with general evacuation on alarm level
Centralized voice paging and audible alarm signalling options
Programmable Control-By-Event control of outputs from individual alarm or supervisory addressable devices
Networks with other FACPs and equipment for large applications
Automatic detector sensitivity adjustments based on programmable building occupancy schedules
Compatible with Mass Notification Systems
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