AFP-3030 Operations Manual —
P/N DOC-01-033:C 05/12/2018
Appendix B: Releasing Zones
B.1 Introduction
The control panel provides ten Releasing Zones (ZR00-ZR09). These are special zones that can be used for up to ten independent releas-
ing operations. This section contains descriptions of each releasing function option and an example of how Releasing Zone options
For instructions on programming Releasing Functions, refer to this panel’s programming manual.
Each Releasing Zone includes the following releasing options:
The Read Status function allows the operator to view the current selections for a Releasing Zone. Refer to Section 3.10, “Special Func-
tion Zone”, on page 41 for more information.
Cross Zone
Cross Zones let you program the control panel to activate a Releasing Zone when two or more detectors or
modules are alarmed. Cross Zone selections are:
YesTwo or more detectors or modules are alarmed that are mapped to one of the ten Releasing Zones
ZoneTwo or more detectors or modules are alarmed that are mapped to two different Software Zones and
mapped to one of the ten Releasing Zones (R0-R9).
Heat At least one smoke detector mapped to one of the ten Releasing Zones (ZR00-ZR09) is alarmed and at
least one heat detector mapped to the same Releasing Zone as the smoke detector is alarmed.
None Cross Zones are not used.
Delay Timer
A 0–60 second programmable delay before activating a zone.
Abort Switch
An Abort Switch Type Code used to abort activation of a zone.
Manual Release
Allows immediate zone activation by overriding the abort function, cross-zone function, and delay timer.
Soak Timer
Automatically shuts off the releasing device after a preprogrammed period of time. Select 0001-9999
seconds for Soak Time or 0000 seconds for no Soak Time.
Table B.1 Releasing Options