Assembly (continued)
Step Seven: Connect power cor ds to ve hicle battery
Batteries are hazardous because they contain caustic acid, can emit explosive
gases, and can cause electric shock.
Caution m ust be exercised when m aking connections to a battery to avoid shock
and contact with the acid, and to prevent any sparking that could lead to an
ALWAYS follow the safety instructions and steps listed below i
n exact sequence
when connecting the sprayer’s remote switch to the battery terminals.
1. Pre paratory safe ty
Pre paratory safe ty ste ps:
ALWAYS use eye protection
NEVER smoke or work near sparks or other sources of ignition.
NEVER touch both battery terminals at the same time or with any non-
insulated tools.
If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, flush immediately with water and
neutralize with baking soda.
2. Identify spraye r’s
powe r cords
Identify the powe r cords shippe d with the sprayer.
There are three power cords for the sprayer that you will eventually connect end to
end to power the sprayer. Locate and identify these three cords:
The battery power cord and the pump power cord are shipped connected
together to the sprayer.
The remote switch power cord is packed separately in the Manual Bag.
power cord
Pump power cord
Remote switch
power cord