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Equipment description
Standard 5.00
April 2000
The X.25 Gateway permits building what appears to be a private data network
by using PDN services and a network of remotely located Meridian 1s. The
computer systems connected to the Meridian 1 may communicate together
through the network. This emulation of a private data network can be
expanded to include stand-alone computers and access to services of
time-shared systems and large public databases, i.e., Dow Jones, Dun and
Bradstreet, the Source, and industry-specific data bases.
ASCII workstation to PDN With this configuration, the PAD provides the
Meridian 1 connected workstations with X.25 access to the PDN. The
Meridian 1 is used as a workstation, and/or asynchronous host port
concentrator, that allows workstations to contend for one of the 8 or 16
asynchronous ports on the PAD and to access one of the two X.25
synchronous links.
ASCII workstation to private switched network In this instance, the PAD
is configured to provide the Meridian 1 workstations with access to a private
packet switched data network. Two or more Meridian 1 switches can be
interconnected by the X.25 links. Permanent virtual circuits (PVC) or a
dedicated line can be used to form a private data network.
ASCII workstations access to multiple networks The Gateway supports
two links and allows simultaneous connections to two PDN or private
networks. The Gateway emulates the connection procedures (user interface)
of the major North American, European, and Japanese networks such as
GTE/Telenet, Tymnet, Datapac, UK PSS, Transpac, Uninet, Datex-P, and