Quick-Start Worksheets
308224-B Rev 00
WAN Protocol Worksheets
The worksheets in this section provide the requested information and possible
options relating to WAN protocol choices on the Global Worksheet.
Frame Relay Worksheet
Frame Relay is designed to provide efficient, high-speed frame or packet
transmission with minimum delay. Frame Relay uses minimal error detection and
relies on higher-level protocols for error control.
If your WAN protocol choice is Frame Relay, fill out the following worksheet:
Frame Relay Worksheet
Requested Information
Your Response
Enter management type [3]:
1. DLCMI None
2. Rev 1 LMI
3. ANSI T1 617D
4. CCITT Annex A
5. LMI Switch
6. Annex D Switch
7. Annex A Switch
Enter addressing type [4]:
1. ADDR Q.921
2. ADDR Q.922 (MARCH ’90)
4. ADDR Q.922
Enter address field length [2]:
2. Two Bytes
3. Three Bytes
4. Four Bytes
Enter DLCI number [30]:
(For DLCMI None, LMI Switch, Annex
D Switch, and Annex A Switch only)
Enter the permanent virtual circuit
(PVC) number.
Note: The valid range for the DLCI
number is from 16 through 1007.