Product Brief
The Nortel Application Switch with OS 24.0
The Nortel Application Switch with
Operating System (OS) 24.0 sets a new
standard in application availability,
performance and security. Designed
from the ground up for load balancing
and application acceleration, the Nortel
Application Switch provides enterprises
with unprecedented control over
applications and the networks on
which they run.
The Nortel Application Switch does far
more than just balance network traffic.
The switch’s filtering and traffic manage-
ment technology provides fine grain
control over how your network is used
— for better control, increased produc-
tivity and greater cost savings. IT
managers can determine how much
or how little bandwidth to reserve for
mission-critical applications such as IP,
voice over IP (VoIP), video streaming,
wireless and more.
The Nortel Application Switch with OS 24.0 has been
optimized for high-demand applications such as VoIP,
Web services, wireless, streaming audio and video, SIP
support, and support for WAP, MSTP, RSTP and more.