Concentric Vent Termination Kit for Condensing Furnaces
SpeCial VenTing requiremenTS For
inSTallaTionS in Canada
Installation in Canada must conform to the requirements of
CSA B149 code. Vent systems must be composed of pipe,
fittings, cements, and primers listed to ULC S636. This
concentric vent termination kit has been certified to ULC
S636 for use with piping and vent components which have
been certified to this standard. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions in the use of primer and cement and never
use primer or cement beyond its expiration date.
The safe operation, as defined by ULC S636, of the vent
system and this termination kit is based on following these
installation instructions, the vent system manufacturer’s
installation instructions, and proper use of primer and
cement. Acceptability under Canadian standard CSA
B149 is dependent upon full compliance with all installation
instructions. Under this standard, it is recommended that
the vent system be checked once a year by qualified
service personnel. The authority having jurisdiction (gas
inspection authority, municipal building department, fire
department, etc) should be consulted before installation
to determine the need to obtain a permit.
ConSigneS SpÉCialeS pour
l’inSTallaTion de VenTillaTion au
L’installation faite au Canada doit se conformer aux exigences
du code CSA B149. Ce systême de ventillation doit se
composer de tuyaux, raccords, ciments et apprêts conformes
au ULC S636. Ce systême de ventillation concentrique a été
certifié ULC S636 pour être utilisé avec les composantes qui
sont certifiés. Bien suivre les indications du manufacturier
lors de l’utilisation de l’apprêt et du ciment et ne pas utiliser
ceux--ci si la date d’expiration est atteinte.
Le bon fonctionnement de ce systême de ventillation est
conditionnel à l’installation tel que défini par le ULC S636
c’est à dire: bien suivre les consignes ci--haut mentionnées
ainsi que les instructions du manufacturier et aussi une bonne
utilisation de l’apprêt et du ciment. L’acceptation du standard
Canadien CSA B419 est directement relié à l’installation
conforme aux instructions ci--haut mentionnées. Le standard
Canadien recommande l’ inspection par un personel
qualifié et ce, une fois par année. Les autoritées ayant
juridiction (inspecteurs de gas, inspecteurs en bâtiments,
département des incendies, etc) devraient être consultées
avant l’installation afin de déterminer si un permis est requis.
imporTanT SaFeTY inFormaTion
Please read all instructions before installing this kit. Pay
attention to all safety warnings and any other special
notes highlighted in the manual. Safety markings are
used frequently throughout this manual to designate a
degree or level of seriousness and should not be ignored.
Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation that
if not avoided, could result in personal injury or death.
CauTion indicates a potentially hazardous situation that
if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or
property damage.
riSK oF eleCTriCal SHoCK
Shut off all electrical power to the unit before
performing any maintenance or service on
the system. Failure to follow this warning can
cause serious injury, fire, electrical shock, or
• The installer performing this work assumes all
responsibility when installing this kit. These instructions
are primarily intended to assist qualified individuals
experienced in the proper installation of this kit. Some
local codes may require licensed installation/service
personnel for this type of equipment. Safety should
always be the deciding factor when installing this product
and using common sense plays an important role as
well. Improper installation of the components or failure
to follow safety warnings could result in serious injury,
death, or property damage.
• Unless noted otherwise in these instructions, only factory
authorized parts or accessory kits may be used with this
product. Improper installation, service, adjustment, or
maintenance may cause fire, electrical shock or other
hazardous conditions which may result in personal injury
or property damage.
• Please read all instructions carefully before starting the
installation. If a problem occurs, check the instructions
and follow recommendations given.
• The information shown in these instructions must be
followed during the installation of this kit. Unqualified
individuals should not attempt to interpret these
instructions or install this equipment. If you do not
possess mechanical skills or tools, call your local dealer
for assistance.
• Use caution when handling the appliance or removing
components. Personal injury can occur from sharp metal
edges present in all sheet metal constructed equipment.
inSTallaTion inSTruCTionS