1. IntroductIon | 5
tHAnK You!
thank you for choosing the nord Electro 6!
the nord Electro 6 combines our award-winning emulations of vintage
electro mechanical and acoustic instruments in one ultra-portable
package. With three independent sound sections, a new streamlined
user interface and the addition of seamless transitions, we’re proud to
present the most powerful and flexible Electro ever.
the nord Electro 6 has the following main features:
organ section with faithful reproductions of three classic organ mod-
els, B3, Vox and Farf, as found in our acclaimed c2d combo organ.
there are also two Pipe organ models, each with its own distinct
Physical drawbars on the 61 and 73 key d models. digital LEd draw-
bars on the 73 key HP model.
Piano section with acoustic
pianos, tine and
reed based
piano sounds,
sounds and a
category with rich sounding piano
combinations. the memory capacity for the Piano section in the
Electro 6 is 1 GB.
Sample Synth section with 512 MB of sample memory and intuitive
envelope and dynamics controls.
comprehensive Effects section.
Seamless transitions: Sustaining notes will not be cut off when
changing programs.
Keyboard split functionality with dual manual organ mode and
optional split widths, allowing sounds to smoothly cross-fade over
split point.
three models: nord Electro 6d 73 and 6d 61 with semi weighted
“waterfall” keybeds and physical drawbars, and nord Electro 6 HP
73 with a lightweight hammer action keybed and digital LEd draw-
nord onLInE
on the website
you will find:
Information about the nord Electro 6 and other nord instruments
Latest operating Systems for download
Free software: nord Sound Manager, nord Sample Editor and
nord Piano Library sounds for free download
nord Sample Library sounds for free download
nord World: nord releated news stories and videos
user Manuals for download
tutorials can be found at
Follow nord Keyboards on Facebook, Instagram, twitter and Youtube.
Feel free to tag your content with our official hashtag #iseenord.
ABout tHE uSEr MAnuAL
the manual is arranged mainly as a reference manual. In many cases
you’ll also get tips on how to practically use the various features in a
musical context.
rEAdInG tHE MAnuAL In PdF ForMAt
this manual is available as a digital PdF file. It can be downloaded, free
of charge, from the nord Electro 6 section on our website.
rEStorInG tHE FActorY PrESEtS
the factory programs, samples and pianos are available as individual
nord Sound Manager backup files for download from our website.
there is also a complete backup of the entire instrument and its factory
content, in case it needs to be restored to its original state at some
the latest oS (operating System) version for the nord Electro 6 is al-
ways available for download from our website. Please visit our website
from time to time, to make sure you have the latest version in your unit.
FrEE SoundS
Since the nord Electro 6 is designed as an open system, each and
every piano and sample in the nord Electro 6 can be replaced. this is
done using the
Nord Sound Manager
application which is available as
a free download from our website.
the nord Electro 6 is compatible with the continuously expanding
nord Piano Library and the nord Sample Library. When new sounds
become available, these can be download for free from the Sound
Libraries section of our website.
Any trademarks and brand names mentioned in this manual are the
property of their respective owners and are not affiliated or associated
with clavia. these trademarks and brand names are only mentioned to
describe certain sound qualities reproduced by the nord Electro 6.