2D Goniometer SmartLead User Manual
(Rev D January 2020)
Ankle placement using SG 110
Green plug:
measures inversion/eversion
Gray plug:
measures Dorsi flexion/plantar
15.2.5 Knee
1) Have the subject stand in the neutral position with the foot on a flat surface.
2) Attach the distal endblock laterally on the leg so the axes of the leg and endblock coincide,
when viewed in the sagittal plane (figure 15).
3) With the leg fully extended in the position of reference, extend the goniometer to position 2
(maximum length).
4) Attach the proximal endblock to the thigh so the axes of the thigh and endblock coincide.
5) The knee may now be flexed or extended with the goniometer freely sliding between
positions 1 and 2.
15.2.6 Hip
1) Have the subject stand in the neutral position with the foot on a flat surface.
2) Attach the proximal endblock to the side of the trunk in the pelvic region as shown in figure
3) With the limb in the position of reference, extend the goniometer to position 2 (maximum
4) Attach the distal endblock to the thigh so that axes of the thigh and endblock coincide (when
viewed in the sagittal plane as shown).
5) The hip may now be flexed or extended, abducted or adducted with the goniometer sliding
freely between positions 1 and 2.
NOTE: During normal gait the amount of hip rotation is small; therefore, accurate measurements of
flexion/extension and abduction/adduction may be obtained. If flexion/extension and
abduction/adduction are to be monitored with a significant amount of hip rotation, then crosstalk will
affect the absolute readings, and this should be considered when interpreting the results.
Knee placement
Green plug:
measures flexion/extension
Gray plug: