Indications for Use
Prior to connecting the monitor to the power supply and a power outlet, be sure to verify the voltage and
frequency rating on the power supply are the same as the outlet. If this is not the case, do not connect the monitor
and power supply to the outlet.
The use of accessories other than those specified in this manual may result in increased electromagnetic
emission and/or decreased immunity of this device.
As with all medical equipment, carefully route cables and cannula to reduce the possibility of entanglement,
strangulation, or tripping.
RespSense II should only be operated by trained licensed practitioners.
To prevent damage to the monitor, operate and store the monitor in an upright position.
Visually inspect the monitor for damage before each use. Do not use a damaged monitor or system.
Verify display functionality before each use.
Setting alarm limits to extremes can render the alarm system useless.
Each time the system is turned on, audible alarms are silenced for 2 minutes unless the operator presses the
Audio Pause button.
When an alarm is acknowledged and audible alarms are paused, new alarms will have visual indicators, but not
an audible indicator.
To ensure the longevity and safety of the monitor, the carrying case must be used when operating the monitor in
an emergency medical services (EMS) environment.
Do not mount the monitor directly above the patient. If the monitor is mounted, be sure to check that the
adjustable mounting clamp is securely affixed.
When mounting the monitor to a mobile pole, mounting the monitor higher than 1.5 meters (5 feet) or mounting
more than 2 kilograms (4.5 pounds) of equipment onto the pole may result in tipping, damage to the equipment,
or injury.
Do not place the device in liquid or clean it with agents containing ammonium chloride or bleach.
Do not sterilize or autoclave the monitor or accessories. Do not immerse in liquids.
Always turn off the monitor prior to cleaning the monitor.
Do not simultaneously touch the accessible connector pins and the patient.
After exposing the monitor to an environment outside of normal room temperature/humidity conditions, always
replace the moisture trap and filter before each use.
The sample line, moisture trap, filter, and Nafion tubing are single-patient use, disposable components. Do not
reuse disposable accessories. Accessories marked “single-use” must be used on one patient only and be
disposed of after usage. Dispose of all components in accordance with your local, state or national regulations
regarding waste management.
Set or adjust alarm parameters one at a time.
The patient’s nasal passage may dry out if continuous monitoring is required. Check patient hourly for nasal