Monitor Modes
Three monitoring modes are available with the Mini-SuperGraph II:
If you want to modify the settings for a monitoring mode, select that mode, press
the ↓ button to select EDIT and press ENTER. With the EDIT option, a different
screen will display each time you press ENTER. Press ENTER to keep displayed data
or use the ↑ and ↓ keys to change a setting (use the + and - keys to move the cursor
from right to left). Standard selections are highlighted on each screen. Continue
pressing ENTER to proceed through all of the questions. For numeric options, use
the ↑ and ↓ arrow button to change the numbers.
When the SAVE SETUP screen displays at the end, choose YES to can save the
current settings for future use. Enter up to 8 characters for the name of the saved
data (use at least one character for this name). These saved settings will appear on
the NOMIS MAIN MENU under option number 4: SAVED SETTINGS. You can save a
maximum of 14 settings.