System Module SE2
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 25
Issue 1 12/99
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
CCONT. After that the power–up procedure is similar to pushing power–
button. NSW-6 does not have any IBI accessories.
Mixed Trigger to power up
It is possible that PWR–key is pushed during charger initiated power–up
procedure or charger is connected during PWR–key initiated power up
procedure. In this kind of circumstances the power–up procedure (in HW
point of view) continues as nothing had happened.
Power Down
Controlled Power Down
Power Down pushing PWR key
MAD (MCU SW) detects that PWR–key is pressed long enough time.
After that the lights and LCD are turned off. MCU stops all the activities it
was doing (e.g. ends a call), sends power off command to CCONT (i.e.
gives a short watchdog time) and goes to idle–task. After the delay
CCONT cuts all the supply voltages from the phone.
Note that the phone does not go to power off (from HW point of view)
when the charger is connected and PWR–key is pushed. It is shown to
user that the phone is in power off, but in fact the phone is just acting
being powered off (this state is usually called ”acting dead”).
Power Down when the battery voltage is discharged too low
During normal discharge the phone indicates the user that the battery will
drain after some time. If not recharged, SW detects that battery voltage is
too low and shuts the phone off through a normal power down procedure.
Anyway, if the SW fails to power down the phone, CCONT will make a
reset and power down the phone if the battery voltage drops below 2.8 V.
Power Down with fault in transmitter
If the MAD receives fault indication, from the line TXF, that the transmitter
is on although it should not be, the control SW will power down the
Uncontrolled Power Down
Power Down when Watchdog expires
If the SW fails to update the watchdog, the watchdog will eventually ex-
pire and CCONT cuts all the supply voltages from the phone.