Search the web
Explore the web and the outside world with Bing search. You can use the keyboard or your voice to
write your search words.
1. Tap the search key .
Tip: If your phone has Cortana, tap and hold the search key , and say your search word. Cortana
is not available in all regions and languages. For information on the supported regions and
languages, go to www.microsoft.com/mobile/support/cortanaregions.
2. Write your search word in the search box, and tap the enter key. You can also select a search word
from the proposed matches.
3. To see related search results, tap a search result category at the top of the screen.
Close internet connections
Save your battery by closing internet connections that are open in the background.You can do it
without closing any apps.
1. Swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap and hold .
2. Switch Wi-Fi networking to Off .
Tip: Wi-Fi networking turns back on automatically.To change this setting, tap Turn Wi-Fi back
Close a cellular data connection
Swipe down from the top of the screen, tap All settings > Network & wireless > Cellular &
SIM, and switch Data connection to Off .
Troubleshoot internet connection issues
If your internet connection doesn’t work
• Check your cellular data connection. Swipe down from the top of the screen, tap All settings >
Network & wireless > Cellular & SIM, and check that Data connection is switched to On .
• Check your Wi-Fi connection. Swipe down from the top of the screen, tap and hold Wi-Fi, and
check that Wi-Fi networking is switched to On and you are connected to a network.
• Check that battery saver mode is not turned on. Swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap
All settings > System > Battery saver.
• If you are abroad, check that you have allowed roaming. Swipe down from the top of the screen,
tap All settings > Network & wireless > Cellular & SIM, and check that Data roaming
options is switched to roam. Connecting to the internet when roaming, especially when abroad,
can raise data costs substantially.
• If you have installed new settings from a text message, uninstall the new settings. Tap Storage >
This Device > Apps & games and the new settings item, and tap Uninstall.
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