RM-699 product data
RM-699 is a 2G variant of RM-632. The difference is software controlled, so there is no difference mechanically.
The key product data differences between the RM-699 (2G) and RM-632 (3G) are described below.
Figure 48 RM-699 product picture
Table 12 Remote connectivity
Operating bands
RM-699: EGSM 850/900/1800/1900 (no WCDMA/
Sales package
Nokia E5–00 phone (RM-699)
Nokia Battery (BL-4D)
Travel charger AC-8C
Nokia Stereo Headset WH-102
Nokia Micru USB Cable CA-101D
Nokia MU-37, 2 GB micro SD
BB troubleshooting
RM-632 and RM-699 differences
Mechanically the RM-632 and RM-699 are identical. As illustrated in the figure below, the label on the C-cover/
PWB enable quick differentiation between the two variants.
Figure 49 Type designators in RM-632 and RM-699 C-cover type label
RM-632; RM-634; RM-699
Service information differences between RM-632 and
Issue 3
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