Nokia Care services
If you need to contact Nokia Care services, check the list of local
Nokia Care contact centres at www.nokia.co.in/contactus.
For maintenance services, find your nearest Nokia Care point at www.nokia.co.in
3. Your device
Phone setup
When you switch on your device for the first time, the Phone setup application is
To access the Phone setup application later, select
To set up the device connections, select
Sett. wizard
To transfer data to your device from a compatible Nokia device, select
The available options may vary.
Transfer content
You can use the Switch application to copy content such as phone numbers,
addresses, calendar items, and images from your previous Nokia device to your
The type of content that can be transferred depends on the model of the device
from which you want to transfer content. If that device supports synchronisation,
you can also synchronise data between the devices. Your device notifies you if the
other device is not compatible.
If the other device cannot be switched on without a SIM card, you can insert your
SIM card in it. When your device is switched on without a SIM card, the Offline profile
is automatically activated, and transfer can be done.
Your device
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