1. From either the IM online or offline menu, select Saved convers.,
the conversation you want to rename, and Options > Rename.
2. Select Clear as many times as necessary to delete the conversation
name; then enter the new conversation name.
3. Select Options > OK.
From either the IM online or offline menu, select Saved convers., the
conversation you want to delete, and Options > Delete.
Select Back, the conversation you want to end, and End convers.
From the IM online menu, select Conversations, the IM conversation
you want to end, and End convers.
IM contacts
Add the names of your friends and family (with whom you want to
interact frequently through IM) to IM contacts.
1. From the IM online menu, select Add contact.
2. Enter the contact’s user name, select Options > OK,
The Nickname screen appears with the contact’s user name. If you
want to enter a nickname by which to identify the contact, select
Clear as many times as necessary to delete the user name. Then,
enter the nickname. This is the name that appears in IM contacts.
3. Select Options > OK.
During IM session
1. From the conversation view, select Options > Add.
The User ID screen appears with the contact’s user name.
M e s s a g e s
Antenna House XSL Formatter (Evaluation) http://www.antennahouse.com/