Viol Ruina is an all-analog distortion and lowpass filter with an internal envelope follower and self-
modulating cutoff. The four-pole design is reminiscent of the classic filters we all know but with a
completely new and slightly ridiculous twist. The independently addressable distortion circuit takes
VR into overdriven paradise with a shocking amount of drive. Built-in envelope following makes an
easy way to create dynamic patches with the flick of a switch, and feedback FM takes VR to a
whole new realm of filthiness. Run a sound through VR, you’ll get something cool out of it.
Noise Engineering
Viol Ruina
Resonant lowpass filter and distortion with
internal modulation and envelope following
4HP Eurorack
.8 Inches
2x5 Eurorack
+12 mA
40 mA
-12 mA
35 mA
Ruina -- from Latin: “Destruction”
“Violent purple ruins”
Viol -- from Latin violo, violentis: “violate, dishonor, violent” Also viola, “purple”
It sounded darker and meaner and awesomer than we could have hoped for. Viol Ruina. We’re
sorry. You’re welcome.
When we hired Markus, we dusted it off and handed it to him. He came back to work next all
starry eyed and we were convinced that now was the time to do something...but what exactly we
weren’t sure. We told Markus to go home and decide which of the circuits he liked and how and
why. When we sat down to discuss, we designed a load of distortion modules, including VR. It
took a little more work and redesigning to get it to its current state -- the envelope extraction was
a great add, and we finally had a *gasp* filter!
Viol Ruina came into existence as part of the Distortion of the Month series. It all began with a
single epic distortion module that was really more of an experiment many years before. That
module had something like six distortions on it and was really an experiment meant to get a feel
for each individual one. Like so many of our early ideas, we knew we had something, but we just
didn’t have time to get to it. It sat.
Design Notes