Measure levelness, gradients, pivot points, do levelling on
opposite walls, between trenches and crossbeams as well as
over obstacles, even to points that are not in direct view.
O P E R AT I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R M O D E L S H 2 5 - P R O B A G / R 2 5 - A L C A S E
1. Parts and descriptions
2. Function and applications
3. Working area
4. Display when operating
5. Levelling
6. Instructions for taking exact measurements
7. Motion filter
8. Function check
9. Settings and special displays
10. Replacing battery
11. Care and maintenance tips
12. Accessories (optional)
13. Attention: operational safety
14. Malfunctions
15. Technical data
16. Guarantee & service