Niles C5-VA2 Installation Manual Download Page 1

I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E


F O R   P L A C I N G   A / V   D E V I C E S   E X T E N D E D    

D I S T A N C E S   F R O M   T H E I R   A / V   S O U R C E  

C A T - 5   V I D E O   A N D   S T E R E O   A U D I O   B A L U N



Thank you for choosing the 

C5-VA2 Video

 and Stereo Audio Balun

 from Niles. With proper 

installation and opera

tion, you’ll enjo

y years of trouble free use.

Niles manufacturers the industry’

s most complete line of custom installation components and 

accessories for audio/video systems. To see the complete assortment,

 visit our website at


The C5-VA2 is a stand-alone device tha

t transforms one video signal and a pair of audio 

channels to and from CAT-5 twisted pair cabling.

 It has two sets of simple connections. 

The first is three RCA connectors for the video and line level audio signals.

 The second is a 

shielded CAT-5 connector for the CA

T-5 twisted pair connection.

 The circuitr

y is passive so 

there is no need for a power supply

The C5-VA2 allo

ws an audio/video device such as a VCR or sa

tellite receiver to be located an 

extended distance from the system it is to be connected to. Doing so with conventional audio 

video cabling is both expensive and prone to signal degradation.

 By using a pair of these 

devices and a run of CAT-5 the problem can be solved inexpensively and without signal loss 

and the introduction of noise. In addition,

 in today’s retrofit market an installer cannot al


successfully run a wire from point A to point B.

 There exists ho

wever an abundance of twisted 

pair cabling in many homes.

 By using a pair of these devices with an existing wire an installer 

may be able to complete a job that he otherwise could not.


• Shielded CAT-5 Connector

• Gold Plated Color Coded RCA Connectors

• Universal Mounting Holes

• Ten-y

ear limited warr



• Overall dimensions:

 4.75" W x .85" H x 2" D

• Bandwidth:  

Video: DC to 10 MHz


Audio: 20 Hz – 20 kHz

• Tr

ansmission Distance: 

Color:  1500' (CA

T-3 UTP)


2200' (CAT-5 UTP) 

    B & W:

   2000' (CA

T-3 UTP)


2500' (CAT-5 UTP)

N i l e s   A u d i o   C o r p o r a t i o n

1 2 3 3 1   S . W .   1 3 0   S t r e e t   M i a m i ,   F l o r i d a   3 3 1 8 6

3 0 5 - 2 3 8 - 4 3 7 3

1 - 8 0 0 - B U Y - H I F I   w w w . n i l e s a u d i o . c o m

©2006 Niles Audio Corporation. All rights reserved. Niles, the Niles logos and 

Blending High Fidelity and Architecture are registered trademarks of Niles Audio Corporation. 

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.   D S 0 0 4 9 9 A C N




















DS00499ACN-0 C5-VA2.indd   1

6/23/06   4:50:43 PM
