Nikon L35 AF Instruction Sheet Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for L35 AF

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Page 2: ...IrikonLSSW o r r lnstructionSheet ...

Page 3: ...autom6tico de la Pelicula Enfoque autom6tico Controlde exposicion autom6tico programado Flashdeaparicion autom6tica Controlautomaticode exposicion con flash Bloqueoautomatico delobturador durante lacargadelflash Rebobinado y paradaautom6ticos de la pelicula Ampliomargende sensibilidad de pelicula hasta1000ASA lSO Para fin de que pueda sacar el maxtmo pro vechode su NrkonL35AF le recomendamos la le...

Page 4: ...e her arrsp thp anprture ls autr_r matically controlled oFor l l ash shooti ng depr essl he shul te r el ease buttongentl y 3 6 m 1 18 f r FOCUS LOCK Totakea picturewrthyoursub1ect outsrde theauto focusframe marks use the focus lock Centerthe autofocus frame marks on your sub1ectand de press the shutterreleasebutton ll halfwayThis causes the focus rndicator needleto move withtn thefocussvmbolarea ...

Page 5: Remove thebat teriesif the camerawill not be usedformorethantwoweeks Whennotusingthecamerafor a longtime firetheflasha fewtimes everymonthAfterfiring waituntil the ready light lights uP then remove thebatteries 3 Cleanalllensandautofocus win dow surfaces with a blower tYPe brushand a softcleancloth An approved photo lens cleaning liquid canbeused too 3 Lrnrp ar its ertlcsY t vflr dcl l enl o...

Page 6: ...a ratnbov lrnrshed picluredependingupon the shoottr l l s l l Wtththe followingsublects focus on anotherobject at approximately the same distancefrom the camera and use thefocus lock Subjectsbehindglass oSmallsubjectsthat cannot cover the autofocusframe marks Glossy surfacessuch as a car body oWater surfaceswrth strong reflectrons Surfaces with almost no light reflectionsuch as black harr oSublect...

Page 7: ...ilizarla comprobar el estadode las mismas Cuandoestas estdn casi agotadas aumenta el tlempode bobinado de la pelicula y decarga delflash 2 Laspilasquese suministran con la cdmarase facilitan unicamente con finesde prueba por consiguiente su duracion pudiera no alustarse a laindicada enlasespecificaciones 3 LasCamaras L35AF vendrdas en losEE UU y Canadd no vienenequtpaoas con las pilasde prueba aqu...

Page 8: losobjetos TIMER DISPARADOR AUTOMATICO Thr self timer is idealfor sou rtr or groupphotos To use il tufntheself timer lever I frr as it willgo anddepress thoshutterreleasebutton curpletely This causes the rff timer indicator to lightup Esideal parafotosderecuerdo o fotosen grupo Parautilizar este dispositivo girar la palanca del disparador auto mdtico l0 hasta eltopey apre tarelboton dedisparoII...

Page 9: ...ssed 10 second delaywith indicator light Automaticpop uptypewith ready lighl guidenumber10 ASA ISO 100 m 16 ASA lSO 25 ft shuttertocks if flashis notcharged recycling time approx 7sec Approx 100rolls of 24 exposure film without flash approx 10rolls of 24 exposure film withflashfor each exposure shutterrelease lockswhen balteriesare exhausted Two1 5Valkaline manganese M type batteries NiCdbatteries...

Page 10: ...inside the battery chamber rSee BATTERY AND FILM TIPS on the reverse srde for more information C o l o c a r e n s u i n t e r r o r d o sp r l a s a l c a l i n a s m a n g a n e s ot r p o A A c o n l o s p o l o s y e n l a lorma qLre se rndrca en la f r g ur a l i ir l _ 1 1 i i I ES OI RI I AS PILAS LA P LL U LA t r rt i r t v t r t Closethe batterychamberlid whilepushing itdown Cerrar elcomp...

Page 11: ...r release button is depressed halfway Si las pilasestan bien insta l rlec ar tarc rc rr la agU 1a del indicador de enfoque verpLrnto t5 en la zona de simbolos de enfoquedel visor y se escu SETTI IG ASA ISO FIIMSPE Determinethe ASA lSOsoeed of the 35mm film to be used fromthe film spackage or car tridge Averrqrrar la sensibrlir lacl ASAL I S Od e r r u u r r t o d e 3 5 m m u t l t zada figuraen la...

Page 12: ...l5 Thedots betweenthe numbers ontheASA lSO filmspeed scale indicate thefilmspeeds ASA lSO 1600 color negalive film can be used wilh lhe film speed dial set at ASA lSO 1000 Reversalfilm outsideof the usablefilm speed range cannol be used Los puntos entre los rlumeros i la escitllt de veloctdades ASA ISO correspondena los valoresrndtcados arrtba O C o r 1 Od l r s e n l t i l rt d l r j d t l t i r ...

Page 13: ...l t ll a a rO a t 8 o i r r r t i l i r p r i t i t i r r o v l l r j l t l r l r r l i r r j e l i i n r r r c t l l r r l r o t rn i n t t n t r a r i r n t l t r r o c i c t r l a l t l c t r r r l t i l r t D e i c L r i r l t t t r l i t l r i e t c O r a l r o r l i a I i l r l i i i 1 i 1 l rt o l t i 1 f i r c t r o t r S r O I L t r rp o s b l e p o r o f r e c r r r e s s t e n c r a l a...

Page 14: ...framecounter 2 indicates 1 C o n t p r o b i t rt 1 t t r r o o r l i r l o rr i r fo t o s 2 l l l i l r l t t r I SHOOTINGITOMI Holdthe camerabody firmly andpressyourelbows against yoursides Be surethat your fingers do not accidentally coverthe autofocus windows thelens tg or theauto maticexposure metering win dow 20 lfyouusethecamera in the vertical position holdit withtheflashatthetoo Q 3 5 1 ...

Page 15: ...p c c o r r rt r o b l P t o a f o t o g r a fr a ry c e n t r a r e n e l t o t a l m e n t e l l S r n a C a S d p e n f o q t r et t r t o l r l t C O 1 r r 1 i 1 2 r p 6 o V i S O r A s e g u r a r s e d e q L l e l o d a l a lz o l a d e r n r r t a d a o o r l a s t t l a r c a s d e e n f o o u e a r t t o n t a t t c o c a e d e n I r o d e l o b l e t o a f o t o g r a ft a r l l L r r l ...

Page 16: ... i i l i 1 i i r l i l j i i r r l r l C l i r Whenthe endof the rollof film is reached film windingauto matically slops Checkthe film framecounterto be sure that thecamerahasexoosed allthe available frames While slidingthe rewind lock switch l 1 pushtherewind buttonO 2 completely until itlocks l j i l l t t l r r r I l de Dloqueo de rebobrnii i 3l t i r i r o t o r l o e r e r i t r r i c 3 0 l t...

Page 17: ...mcartridge A b r r l i t r p t L l r f r l l l r i l y sacar el carrretedr prt cu ir Movethe oN oFF switchto the OFF position and cover thelenswiththelenscap eToprevenlthe lossof thelenscap tie oneendof a pieceof stringto thehole in thelenscap thentietheotherend to the neckstrap or to one or bothof theneckstrap eyelels P o n e r e l c o n m u t a d o r O N O F F e n c e n d i d o a p a g a d o e n...

Page 18: ...c 9 u O c o a 3 o e u 8g r 1 U d n 6 c E o 9 o J Y C o J a o o 3 o U o o t r O O r o f6 9 o o L o x u o E Y r d 6 9 A G o t o o o a L T 9 z S c O h 6 o n s X E Ol C o cE q a c c e5 F X o b q b o o U i g 5 L L n j O r 3 a o n o C n 3 o C O c o o o c L O o E C L L e T Cc rE J n E c c O c q O O o y 9 J IU E c o 0 o E A o G G cc n c O c O 5s 3 c g G tJ f L t z o d c ilJ S E tr O c6 ss s f o o l d a OJ...

Page 19: ...www orphancameras com ...
