Telephone: 508-870-1500
Facsimile: 508-870-8777
Nikon CoolPix990 Instructions for
Recommended Camera settings
Put Your CoolPix990 in M-Rec mode when turning the camera on.
Set the Image Quality to Full-Fine.
Use the Zoom to
fill the digital camera LCD viewer screen with the
circular image. If you zoom in too much, you will lose part of the field of view. If
you zoom in too little, you will not get maximum resolution. Note also that the
OneShot image may not be exactly centered in the LCD screen – this is normal.
Set the white balance. Automatic setting is usually adequate.
Disable the flash.
There are two ways you can focus your OneShot image.
One is to manually set the distance by holding the “M-focus” button and dialing in
a distance with the common dial. A distance of 20 feet to infinity is
recommended for most shots. If you are shooting objects closer than 5 feet you
may want to choose a closer distance to focus on.
Another way to set focus is to press the “M-focus” button continuously until
brackets appear in the LCD window. These brackets represent different regions
of the image over which you may choose to focus. You can toggle between
different brackets by using the Multi selector button. It is not recommended to
choose the center bracket because this only focuses on the mirror itself.
The button for placing the camera in manual focus mode is the same as that for
setting the timer. If you want to use both the timer and a manual focus setting, you must
enable the timer first by pressing the “m-focus” button until you see the timer icon in the
LCD, then hold the button and dial in the focus distance. Pressing the “M-focus” button
again will set camera back to auto focus mode.
For Indoor or lower lighting conditions:
Set the camera to aperture priority (“A”) mode. This is done by holding down
the "MODE" button and rotating the common dial until the letter "A" appears
in the lower left hand corner of the LCD screen. You can see the aperture
value in the lower middle portion of the color LCD. We recommend using an
aperture setting of f5.5 or higher when light conditions allow. Take care to
watch the shutter speed when in aperture priority mode. If the light level is
low, you may need a tripod when the shutter speed is slower than 1/125sec.