ID3 Tag Validator Application User Manual
Release 1.8 Revision F
Nielsen Confidential
ID3 Tags Out-of-Sync with Corresponding Audio
It is
very important
for the ID3 tags to be in sync with the audio from which they were
derived. Otherwise, the viewing is improperly credited. For proper synchronization to
occur, the PTS of the metadata PES must be set to approximately the same value as the
PTS of the audio PES.
An analysis of log files from the mobile meters may show that the tags are greatly shifted
from the viewed content.
When Validator processes transport stream input that has both watermarked AC-3 audio
ID3 tags, it reports a synchronization error if the tags are separated by more than 15
seconds from the corresponding audio as shown in this example:
MPEG-2: Missing PES PTS Test: Fail <110/0/4>
Suggestions for Follow-up
Ensure the PTS of the metadata PES is set to the same value as the PTS of the
corresponding audio PES.
Missing or Invalid INFO Tag Settings
One of the final checks that we do before production is ensure that the INFO-tag fields
are set correctly by looking at the settings in the Summary Report. The settings appear
before the pass/fail list in the Summary Report as shown in the following example and in
Figure 2:
Vendor ID: 999
Device Type: Transcoder or related device
Device ID: 987654321
SystemVersion: 1234
SDK Version: 2.3
Audio CODEC: TestCodec_48000
Distributor ID: