Nice Oview Manual Addendum Download Page 1

Oview with firmware vers. 


has two new func-

tions, not dealt with in the instruction manual: “event
log” and “control unit update”.

• Events log

This function enables the user to display on Oview all operations
performed by the devices on the network to which Oview is con-
nected. Data acquisition (events log) is performed from the start,
automatically and not visible to the installer, as soon as Oview
is connected to the network: this searches for all devices on the
network and stores the events log of each in its specific memory,
overwriting data of previous versions. After searching for devices
on the network, with Oview still connected, the events log of a
device can be viewed one at a time, as follows: select the de-
vice, followed by the item “Advanced functions” > “Events log”.
To scroll through events, use keys 





The events log can also be viewed using 

“Oview Software


. In this case, connect Oview to the Pc or to the palmtop

in which the software is installed, then in the main screen select
“Oview”, followed by “O-View Functions” > “Settings” > “Events
log”. A list is displayed, with the events log of all devices on the
network to which Oview was last connected and, to view the
events of a single device, use the field “Device filter”, selecting
the required device from the list displayed.
The acquired events log remains in the Oview memory until it is
connected to a different network.

• Control unit update

This function enables the user to update the firmware of a con-
trol unit using the internal memory of the additional module
OVBT (or OVBTGSM) in conjunction with Oview. The procedure
involves two steps, which can also be performed at different
times and locations: 


) loading of new firmware in the additional

module of Oview; 


) downloading of the firmware onto the con-

trol unit.


– Loading the new firmware onto the additional module

of Oview

. To load the firmware onto the additional module

OVBT (or OVBTGSM), install the module on Oview, open the

“Oview Software Suite”

(version 1.3 or later), start up

the search for devices and select the device Oview; then select
the item “advanced functions” followed by “Load control unit
firmware”. At this point select the file with the new firmware and
confirm. The file will be memorised automatically onto the addi-
tional module.


– Downloading the new firmware onto the control unit.


download the firmware onto the control unit, connect the latter
to Oview equipped with the additional module with the memo-
rised new firmware and proceed with the update as follows: re-
move any passwords; then select the item “Menu” on Oview,
followed by “Automations” > “Control unit functions” > “Ad-
vanced functions” > “Update firmware”. At this point Oview
checks whether the new firmware is compatible with the control
unit: if compatible, the item “Start” is displayed; otherwise the
update process cannot be started. After starting the process, if
the update fails the control unit remains blocked pending com-
pletion of the procedure. To unblock, select the item “Menu” >
“Devices in boot phase” and restart the firmware loading


- Addendum to Oview manual

Original instructions


Control and programming unit

IST244A.4864 – Rev

. 00  


EN  |  (800) 878-7829  |  [email protected]
