Installation of parts with those that are not direct replacements may cause harm to
personnel operating the chassis. Furthermore, damage or fire may occur if replacement
parts are unsuitable.
Modification—Do not modify any part of the chassis from its original condition.
Unsuitable modifications may result in safety hazards.
Chassis Cooling Considerations
The PXIe-1083 chassis is designed to operate on a bench or in an instrument rack. You must
adhere to the cooling clearances as outlined in the following section.
Providing Adequate Clearance
The module and power supply intake vents are located on the front, left side, and bottom of the
chassis. The module and power supply exhaust vents for the PXIe-1083 are located on the top,
side, and rear of the chassis.
Adequate clearance between the chassis and surrounding equipment, heat generating devices,
and air flow blockages must be maintained to ensure proper cooling. Minimum cooling
clearances are shown in the following figure. For rack mount applications adequate forced air
ventilation is required. For benchtop applications additional cooling clearances may be
required for optimal air flow and reduced hot air recirculation to the air inlet fans.
PXIe-1083 User Guide
© National Instruments