Chapter 4
Connecting the Signals
Connecting Timing Signals
Exceeding the maximum input voltage ratings listed in Table 4-3 can damage the
device and the computer. NI is
liable for any damage resulting from such signal
All external control over the timing of the device is routed through the ten
PFIs labeled
. Refer to the
section for more information on these signals. These
PFIs are bidirectional; as outputs they are not programmable and reflect the
state of many DAQ, waveform generation, and general-purpose timing
signals. The NI 6052E has five other dedicated outputs for the remainder of
the timing signals. As inputs, the PFIs are programmable and can control
many DAQ, waveform generation, and general-purpose timing signals.
Refer to the following sections of this chapter for more information on
these signals:
Data Acquisition Timing Connections
Waveform Generation Timing Connections
General-Purpose Timing Signal Connections
All digital timing connections are referenced to DGND. Figure 4-14 shows
how to connect an external TRIG1 source and an external CONVERT*
source to two NI 6052E PFI pins.