Hunan Next Generation Instrumental T&C Tech. Co., Ltd.
N36100 Series
Wide Range High Voltage Programmable DC Power Supply
5.2 Output Inspection
The output inspection can ensure that N36100 can reach its rated output and can
perform the operations on the front panel properly.
5.2.1 Output Voltage Inspection
Steps to verify N36100’s basic voltage function without connecting to a load:
1. Press the power switch.
2. Set voltage to 1V.
3. Press On/Off button to output.
4. Check if the readback voltage is close to 1V.
5. Check if the voltage can be set from 0V to full range.
5.2.2 Output Current Inspection
Steps to verify N36100’s basic function during output short-circuit:
1. Press the power switch.
2. Make sure the output is OFF.
3. Connect an insulated wire to short circuit the positive and negative electrodes
at the output of N36100. The wire used should be able to bear the maximum output
current of N36100.
4. Set current to 1A.
5. Press On/Off button to output.
6. Check if the readback current is close to 1A.
7. Check if the current can be set from 0A to full range.