Flat Flexible Cable (unit: mm)
A 12-pin flat flexible cable can be used to connect the EM1395 to a host device. The cable design must be
consistent with the specifications shown below. Use reinforcement material for the connectors on the
cable and reduce cable impedance for reliable connection and stable performance.
Communication Interface
The EM1395 supports a TTL level 232 interface that, in most cases, does not require any hardware
modifications to existing platforms. However, for those requiring RS-232, a TTL-232 to RS-232 conversion
circuit is needed.
The EM1395
’s serial port supports baud rates from 1200bps to 115200bps and hardware flow control; it
does not support software flow control. Its default settings are 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity check and1
stop bit.