3-6. Bump Test
Bump test is to check that the reading falls within the normal range by using the actual
test gas and optional EG-129 bump tester.
Go to the bump test mode and then perform a bump test
Press the
button while on the HOME screen to go to
the Menu. Select “Bump Test” with the
Then press the
button to confirm the selection.
Connect the bump tester to the detector (see the EG-
129 bump tester’s instruction manual for test setup).
While keeping the detector sampling the test gas,
press the
button to start a bump test.
A completed test displays a test result, “PASSED” or
Bump tester is intended only for XP-3310II, XP-3318II, XP-3360II-
W and XP-3368II-W units in which GAS1 (target gas) is set to
methane, isobutane, hydrogen or propane. See the EG-129 bump
tester’s instruction manual for more information on bump test.
The Menu screen is not displayed while in the conversion mode,
which will then disable to select “Bump Test”. Exit the conversion
mode before performing a bump test.