Doc #: 60-00118 Rev. A
Digital Streaming
When it is desired to stream data, follow the steps listed below:
Hardware Setup
1. Connect the USB to Ethernet adapter to one of the USB ports on the side of the system
2. Connect the system running the AMQP server to the Ethernet adapter; it is recommended
that the system running the AMQP server is IEC 60601-1 compliant or is connected to an
isolation transformer that meets IEC 60601-1.
Digital Streaming Setup
1. Login as an Admin User
2. Navigate to the Digital Streaming tab in the Settings screen
3. Configure the Server Address and credentials
a. Enter the Server IP Address in the Server Address field
b. Enter the login credentials for the AMQP server
i. User name in the User Name field
ii. Password in the Password field
3. Press Test Connection to test the configuration and network connection
c. If the system fails to connect
i. review the login credentials for accuracy
ii. verify the network cables are connected
iii. verify the AMQP server is running
4. Select the desired data from the Allow Transfer section; select at least one to enable the
Digital Streaming feature
5. Press Save to continue
Digital Streaming
1. The Digital Streaming feature will start automatically when entering an Exam Screen.
2. The Digital Streaming feature can be temporarily stopped by pressing the Acoustic Power
3. Digital Streaming will re-start when Acoustic Power is turned ON.
Recommended Equipment and Server
USB 2.0 to Ethernet Adapter, USB2-E100, Plugable.com
AMQP Server, RabbitMQ, v3.6.8