Chapter 2: Monitoring the Disk Shelf
Monitoring the AT-FCX module
About monitoring
the modules
The AT-FCX module has four LEDs. The LEDs indicate whether it is functioning
normally, the module’s readiness for I/O traffic, or whether there are any
problems with the hardware. You can also identify any hardware failure
associated with the module from the error messages displayed on your storage
appliance console.
This section also describes the different types of messages that appear on the
storage appliance console in response to a command monitoring the AT-FCX.
Location of the
module LEDs
The AT-FCX module is in the middle of the back of the disk shelf. The labeling
on your AT-FCX module might look like one of the following illustrations which
show the location of the LEDs for an AT-FCX.
The Fault LED is amber. The other three LEDs are green. See “
” on page 12 for an illustrated explanation of the LED functions.
Because module A on the DS14mk2 AT is inverted, the location of the module A
LEDs is the inverse of what is shown in the preceding illustration.