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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
transform calculation.
The diagnostic screens show the black body pixels detected, and the apparent temperature
according to the Planckian locus law calculation.
Black Body Pixels
Relative colours result in pixels potentially on the Planckian Locus.
LogV Image
Log of the absolute value of the flame intensity. This indicates pixels sufficiently
bright to be considered for a match to the Planckian Locus test.
Temperature Image
Colour and intensity within the intensity error range, and then subject to
‘movement’ threshold, tests to determine if it fully meets the flame detection
Thermopile Image
Displays the image as seen by the thermopile sensor.
Thermopile Overlay
Displays the thermopile sensor image superimposed upon the camera image.
This highlights the location of any hot sports or flame detections
Thermopile Web-page
This Web-page is only available on the FireVu Multi-Detector. It allows the area to be monitored
by the thermopile sensor to specified, as a rectangular region within the overall image, if required.
The region to be monitored is set by selecting the X and Y co-ordinates of the top left-hand corner
of the image, by pixel. The width and height of the rectangle can then be selected.