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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
FireVu Dashboard Web-pages
Listed below are descriptions of the Web-
pages to be found by navigating to the “FireVu
Dashboard“ Web
Parameters Web-page
There are two sets of parameters which can be configured for FireVu detection. The first set “SET
1” is always used, as shipped both SET 1 & S
ET 2 are configured with the same default settings.
By having a second SET of parameters a different level of detection can be employed as
appropriate (for example a more sensitive set in unoccupied times) the switch between SET 1 and
SET 2 can be initiated based on time or an external input.
Within the “Parameters” web
-page the user can define whether Low, Medium or High sensitivity
levels are applied to each channel or detector input of the FireVu system using the “Camera” drop
down menu to select the detector channel to be configured.
Click the “Save” button when you have finished.
VSD Setup and Pre-Processor Web-pages
The “VSD Setup” and Pre
-processor web-pages are engineering evaluation tools and changes to
these pages can only be made by trained FireVu engineers.
Flame Web-page